city with proactive citizens

Who knows your town
better than you?

Let's improve it together!

Easily share your brightest ideas
Vote for the best suggestions
Bring value to the community by sharing your expertise
You're in the best position to contribute


This is a public engagement tool that allows citizens to share ideas on certain critical community issues in an easy way. They can then vote on all the submitted ideas which narrows them for city staff. This allows for a more engaged community and a city that can act on what its residents truly need.

We are still working on our project! It is not open to the public yet!
More to follow!

This project is being developed during the 48hour online hackathon against #COVID19!
if you have any question you can contact us through Linkedin: Wahed and Claudia

sketch-credit @beautymakesasound

Subscribe now! We will inform you once our project is online for the public
